
Wirruna Poll Herefords a breed leader in marbling

A DISCIPLINED approach to breeding and extensive recording to identify high performing genetics has led to Wirruna’s highly fertile herd with exceptional marbling.

Wirruna Poll Herefords, based at Holbrook, New South Wales, is recognised as one of the most well-recorded… Continue reading

Wirruna’s Super Line-up

Wirruna have two HAL ‘Super Sires’ for sale as part of their 74 Bull line-up in Wirruna’s Autumn Bull and female sale to be held on property at “Spring Valley” Holbrook on ‘Leap Day’ – 29th February 2024.

“It is… Continue reading

Profit from Wirruna Genetics

It is that time of year again when commercial bull buyers must consider the range of genetic information presented in sale catalogues to select their upcoming herd sires.

Ian Locke of Wirruna Poll Herefords at Holbrook contends that a vital… Continue reading

Lights, Camera, Action! at Wirruna

It has been all action this week at Wirruna Poll Herefords with the sale preview videos done and up on-line to assist prospective clients do their homework for choosing this year’s bull, prior to their 24th August sale day.… Continue reading

Super Sires on offer at Wirruna

The Locke family of Wirruna Poll Herefords at Holbrook are well established as a supplier of Poll Hereford genetics to commercial beef producers, well known for their high level of performance recording and superior genetics with breed leading calving ease,… Continue reading

Lock-down fails to restrain demand

The Locke & Hanna families were delighted with strong support at their Spring Bull & Female Sale held on 25th August 2021. “We knew the crowd numbers attending the sale would be severely curtailed by the COVID-19 lock-down restrictions,” Ian… Continue reading


  • Wirruna sire, long-necked for calving ease, with great carcase
  • Carcase weight, Eye Muscle Area & Marbling in top 5% of breed
  • Top 1% ranking for $Index values reflects excellent profit driving traits
  • Top 5% 400D growth, from a calving ease… Continue reading


  • A growthy & smooth-bodied Wirruna sire with exceptional B- muscling
  • Consider his combination of top 1% muscle & marbling for high MSA Index
  • Tope-end carcase scans for EMA & IMF% support his carcase EBV credentials
  • Top 5% fertility-stayer cows throughout… Continue reading