
Breeding Philosophy: Cow Herd Focus

The Wirruna breeding philosophy is focussed primarily on the cow herd. All breeders present in our registered herd have successfully passed a number of very important hurdles to survive.

As progeny of this cow herd, Wirruna bulls offer many benefits tied directly to over 70 years of selection giving reliable and predictable performance.

Wirruna’s concentration on commercial traits of growth and muscularity, via a cow herd that ‘litmus tests’ these traits for fertility and efficiency results in bulls that offer more profit for you. Highly fertile, long-life grassfed bulls that are ready to work and fully described to meet your particular breeding objectives & target markets are offered for sale.

With fertility being the trait of highest commercial value to beef herds, the following minimum requirements require strict compliance.

  • Heifers are joined @14 months to calve by 2 years
  • Heifers joined for six weeks only
  • Empties culled
  • Heifers culled for dystocia
  • 1st calf heifers must rejoin under our high stocking rate pressures
  • All animals are performance recorded using Group Breedplan
  • Cows joined for 6 weeks only
  • Cows culled for dystocia
  • Cows must always rejoin – empties are culled
  • Cows must raise an unassisted calf of good quality through to weaning
  • All animals continually assessed & screened for structure & must be of good temperament